Saturday, May 14, 2011

Scrubbing.. up nice

See, I do scrub up nice when I need to!

If anyone out there in Second Life land needs someone to accompany them to any second life functions, parties or weddings, please feel free to contact me in-world.

I can provide a bright, lively, educated and discreet service to meet your needs, all with 'extras' if needed, of course!

Hope to see you soon!




Friday, May 13, 2011

Dancing :)

I've been spending a lot of time dancing, and other things <wink> in the brothel!
Never been there? you should come along one day, lots of friendly staff to keep you entertained, with sexy dancing and a bit of teasing too!

Say Hi to me, and I'll wiggle my boobs at you :) maybe even  give you a sexy dance like this :)

Have a lot of fun :)

